State Safety Documents for north-carolina

North Carolina Board of Dentistry
Website: North Carolina Board of Dentistry
The purpose of the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners is to ensure that the dental profession merit and receive the confidence of the public and that only qualified persons be permitted to practice dentistry and dental hygiene in the state of North Carolina. MSDS, helping dental offices as their government liaisons, shows the interpretations from the Board of Dentistry's answers to your questions and emails.
North Carolina Department of Labor
Website: North Carolina Department of Labor
The N.C. Department of Labor is charged with promoting the "health, safety and general well-being" of more than 4 million workers in the state. The department serves the needs of the workplace through a variety of programs aimed at making the employees of North Carolina safe. The North Carolina Department of Labor or North Carolina's OSHA protects workplace and labor issues and promotes workplace justice. North Carolina's OSHA, through formal and informal inspections by staff members, patients, and concerned citizens, has increased their inspections. Inside you will learn how MSDS can help minimize your citations, as a member, through free safety classes, seminars and lectures.
North Carolina Board of Pharmacy
Website: North Carolina Board of Pharmacy
The North Carolina Board of Pharmacy was created by the North Carolina Legislature to protect the public health, safety and welfare in pharmaceutical matters. The Board sets standards for academic and practical experience programs prior to licensure, issues permits to operate pharmacies and annually renews licenses and permits. The Board Members meet on the third Tuesday of the month in the Board's Chapel Hill office to conduct business, set policy and hold disciplinary hearings for pharmacists and pharmacies. These meeting are open to the public except during the time when the Board Members are in closed session deliberating a decision for a disciplinary action.. MSDS will provide information and eye opening stories about the misuse of prescriptions.
North-Carolina Medical Board
Website: North-Carolina Medical Board
E-mail : North-Carolina Medical Board
The North Carolina Medical Board was established April 15, 1859, by the General Assembly “in order to properly regulate the practice of medicine and surgery for the benefit and protection of the people of North Carolina.” The practice of medicine is a privilege granted by the state. The North Carolina Medical Board, through efficient and dedicated organization, will license, monitor, discipline, educate, and when appropriate, rehabilitate physicians and mid-level practitioners to assure their fitness and competence in the service of the people of North Carolina. In fulfilling its mission, the Board will play a leading role in the ever-changing health care environment through dialogue with the public, the legislature, academia and the medical community.
North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services
Website: North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services
The Department of Health and Human Services, in collaboration with our partners, protects the health and safety of all North Carolinians and provides essential human services.
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Website: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is the lead stewardship agency for the preservation and protection of North Carolina's outstanding natural resources. Through its natural resource divisions, DENR works to protect fish, wildlife and wilderness areas. The agency's activities range from helping to make sure drinking water is safe to managing state parks and forests for safe and enjoyable outdoor recreation experiences.
North Carolina Worker's Compensation Commission
Website: North Carolina Worker's Compensation Commission
The Industrial Commission employees administer the Workers’ Compensation Act, the Tort Claims Act, the Childhood Vaccine-Related Injury Act, the Law Enforcement Officers’, Firemen’s, Rescue Squad Workers’, and Civil Air Patrol Members’ Death Benefit Act, and the Act to Compensate Individuals Erroneously Convicted of Felonies. Our mission is to ensure all parties are treated fairly and equally in accordance with North Carolina State Law.
North Carolina Department of Insurance
Website: North Carolina Department of Insurance
Now, more than 100 years later, the Department of Insurance provides valuable services to the people of North Carolina by regulating the insurance industry, licensing insurance professionals and others, educating consumers about different types of insurance, handling consumer complaints, and much, much more. The Department also houses the Office of State Fire Marshal, which is responsible for a host of other services that improve North Carolinians’ daily lives.
North Carolina Human Resource Management Division
Website: North Carolina Human Resource Management Division
The Human Resources Management (HRM) Division provides a range of services for the Department of Administration to include all areas of personnel administration in accordance with the requirements of the State Personnel Act. The HRM Office is responsible for position management, employee recruitment and selection, salary administration, employee records and retention, staff development and training, health benefits administration, employee relations, equal employment opportunity/affirmative action, safety and health.
North Carolina Division of Social Services
Website: North Carolina Division of Social Services
E-mail: North Carolina Division of Social Services
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, in collaboration with its partners, protects the health and safety of all North Carolinians and provides essential human services.
North Carolina Dental to Dental
This is for those that are trying to make a little money on the side with other self run business. You will be able to post what you have ie: Mary Kay, Avon ect...
Travel To (North Carolina)
Website: North-Carolina Tourism
From the vast sunny beaches of the coast, and the pirates who roamed there, to the exciting cities of the piedmont and the cool breezes of the mountains, North Carolina has your covered with great summer escapes. It’s also the perfect time to pick your own fruits and vegetables on a U-Pick farm, see what all the hollerin’ is about in Spivey’s Corner, or plan a family reunion adventure all your own. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, mountains or beaches, the rhythm of city life or the tranquility of nature, you’ll find it all in North Carolina!