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Standard Package – Total Cost Per Candidate: $57.00 #M9936


  1. Social Security Trace 
  2. 7 Year Unlimited Criminal County Conviction Search
  3. Unlimited Federal District Search 
  4. Enhanced National Criminal Database Search 





Standard Package – Total Cost Per Candidate: $57.00

Social Security Trace – $4.00

The SSN Trace compares the provided Social Security Number to credit header and public records data. The trace may locate possible alternative names or addresses associated with the SSN for the purpose of performing additional searches. The SSN Trace is not conducted through the Social Security Administration and should not be used as the basis for any employment decision or confirmation of identity.

7 Year Unlimited Criminal County Conviction Search$30.00

Criminal record search based on the last 7 years of the candidates address history as derived by the SSN trace results. The central court search reveals felony and misdemeanor convictions and pending cases within a minimum of the last 7 years, subject to availability and applicable reporting limitations. The quoted price includes all jurisdictions found off the SSN trace. This product excludes all alias names. County access fees are included in the product price. This search is upgraded to a statewide search, rather than a county search, for a limited set of states including NY, ME, VT, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. State access fees will be passed through to the customer.

Unlimited Federal District Search – $14.00

Criminal Federal record search based on the last 7 years of the candidate’s address history in the federal districts of address as derived from the SSN trace results. The quoted price includes all federal districts found off the SSN trace. This product excludes all alias names.

Enhanced National Criminal Database Search – $9.00


The Enhanced Nationwide Criminal Database searches State, County, and Corrections criminal record databases to locate additional jurisdictions where a candidate may have committed a crime. It may include data obtained from the state-based department of corrections, administrative office of the courts, bureau of criminal apprehension, registered sex offenders and/or the department of criminal justice records, various country criminal records and data from other applicable government agencies where available. Possible felony and misdemeanor convictions and pending cases are verified before reporting. This product excludes all alias names. County validators are included in the product price. County access fees are included in the product price.

Total Cost Per Candidate: $57.00



Additional information

Statment of Work

$204 – EBI Recommended Package


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Linda L. Cannon
Director of Safety Compliance

Phone: 1-757-718-1515
Toll Free: 1-800-483-0223

Email: [email protected]

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